“The dog is the perfect portrait subject. He doesn’t pose. He isn’t aware of the camera.” – Patrick Demarchelier
"Murphy" by Joyce Goldin, digital painting (2013)
Drawings of domestic animals may not reach the loftiest heights of fine art, but they connect with the wider population in important ways. Dog lovers are famous for commissioning portraits of their beloved companions, and, in her latest work, Joyce Goldin has been rendering them digitally.
Goldin has been drawing and painting most of her life, but her love of dogs has led her into a series of digital canine portraits rendered with the plasticity of paint. After layering color in loose, organic fields reminiscent of watercolor, Goldin applies a very kinetic line to define the shape and give the image some detail. A translucent aspect lends the images the quality of having been painted on glass, which makes the warmth and expressiveness given to each individual canine all the more striking.
Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky
Education: BS, Occupational Training and Development, University of Louisville
Website: http://www.fineartamerica.com/profiles/joyce-goldin.html
"Beagle" by Joyce Goldin, digital painting (2017)
"Frenchie" by Joyce Goldin, digital painting (2014)
"Starr" by Joyce Goldin, digital painting (2000)
"Tom" by Joyce Goldin, digital painting (2000)
Written by Keith Waits. Entire contents copyright © 2017 Louisville Visual Art. All rights reserved.
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