"Chickasaw Park" by Victor Sweatt, 16x20in, oil on canvas, 2017, $750
Parks and Inspiration
For a painter interested in landscapes, Louisville’s celebrated park system offers a nearly inexhaustible series of locations. For Victor Sweatt, the beauty is in the commonplace paths open to all of the city’s population; the diverse range of sunlight and the prosaic quality of the trees, great and small, which shade the environment. Knowing the themes of spirituality and community that are dominant in his figurative work, it is but a small leap to imagine the artist sees nature as an extension of those very same ideas.
Recently, Sweatt completed two large scale paintings for the Slugger Museum in downtown Louisville that depict native son and World Champion Boxer Muhammad Ali on one, and Atlanta Braves legend and holder of the record for career home runs Hank Aaron on the other. Together the work is titled: “Ali & Aaron: United in the Fight”. He also won a design competition to paint an image for the Heritage West development in the Russell neighborhood of Louisville that will be displayed on a billboard.
"Ali & Aaron: United In The Fight" by Victor Sweatt, acrylic on canvas, 2017, courtesy Slugger Museum.
Sweatt was born in Louisville. The oldest of three sons, Sweatt was raised in a single-family household. He has shown his work in group and solo exhibitions, and appears in public and private collections throughout the United States. In 2015, his work was included in the Louisville Visual Art exhibit, Presence and Place at Metro Hall in Louisville, KY. Sweat is a signature member of the Louisville Visual Art, the Kentucky Artist Pastel Society, and the Kentucky Watercolor Society.
"A New Day is Dawning" by Victor Sweatt, 12x16in, acrylic on panel, 2017, $650
A long-time teacher and mentor for kids in west Louisville, Sweatt is currently seeking funding for "Speak Up", a children’s book that empowers them against child molestation, educating youth about the negative effects of under age drinking and setting positive goals.
Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/victor.sweatt
"Shawnee Park Trail" by Victor Sweatt, 8x10in, acrylic on canvas, 2017, $450
"Underpass" by Victor Sweatt, 11x14in, oil on panel, 2017, $650
Written by Keith Waits. Entire contents copyright © 2017 Louisville Visual Art. All rights reserved.
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