Macel Hamilton, “Love”, oil, 11in x 14in, 2021, NFS
By profession, Macel Hamilton has been a Registered Nurse for 34 years, but seven years ago she started teaching herself to draw, and within a year she was painting. A native of Beaver, located in the hills of Eastern Kentucky, her simple portrait work captures a rural sensibility. Whether through technique - Hamilton favors natural lighting and has a knack for capturing it - or subject - each portrait is of a family member or close friend - the artist expresses the prosaic existence of the Appalachian region.
“My main goal with my art is to improve and learn. I really enjoy my art when I feel like I am learning and improving.”
Macel Hamilton, “Uncle”, oil, 11in x 14in, 2021, NFS
Not that the inspiration is the cliche of rural unsophistication. In “Husband”, Hamilton paints a spouse who was a professional studio musician for over 50 years with Capitol Records, working with many famous musicians in the 1960s, and an “Uncle” who was an Old Regular Baptist preacher in Eastern Kentucky. The focused energy present just before he begins a sermon is palpable.
Hamilton’s gift for rendering people with such unsparing realism doesn’t prevent her from capturing their humanity, it elevates it. There is empathy in the exploration of every hair and wrinkle in the flesh, and great warmth injected into the details. With “Love’, the deep connection between a middle-aged man and his aging father acknowledges the complicated emotions in familial relationships while hinting at the pain of witnessing the passing of generations. In 2021 “Love” was exhibited for six months in the Kentucky Capitol as a part of the Team Kentucky Gallery.
Macel Hamilton, “Husband”, oil, 16in x 20in, 2020, NFS
Macel Hamilton, “Old Rusted Lock”, watercolor on paper, 16in x 20in, NFS
Macel Hamilton, “Uncle”, oil, 11in x 14in, 2021, NFS
Macel Hamilton, “Life Is Good”, acrylic, 16in x 20in, 2019, NFS
Written by Keith Waits
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