Art openings

Link Round Up

Thursday Link Roundup: February 6, 2020



Stage on Spring presents A.R. Gurney's Love Letters

Hannah L. Drake will be doing a reading tonight at Carmichael’s Bookstore.


Louisville Visual Art Honors is today at the Kentucky African American Heritage Center.

And tonight there is a Receptionat Cressman Center for Peter Williams: Incarceration.

Greetings from Love City | Opening Reception is at Craft(s) Gallery.

Bill Pusztai "Downtown East Side" opens at garner narrative

Pony Daddy a Solo Exhibition from John Paul Kesling opens at Tim Faulkner Gallery.

First Friday Photographer Talk w/Andrea Hutchinson at Paul Paletti Gallery.

Gold Key & American Visions Exhibition Opening is at KMAC.

Artist Talk with Imar Hutchins is at The Muhammad Ali Center.

Suyun Son Opening Reception is at Downtown Pilates.

2020 State of Black Louisville Release Event will be at The Speed Museum.

The Chicken Coop's 90 Minute Valentine's Day Variety Hour is at PLAY Louisville.

Also at The Speed is Tales from the Turf: Tour with the Experts.



Voix de Ville 2020 celebrates the anniversary of WXOX 97.1/Artxfm.

African American Women:Celebrating Diversity with Art opens at Kore Gallery.

Squallis Puppeteers’ The Last Puppet Prom is tonight.

Before The Buff: A Closing Party for Marks on Society is at The Carnegie Center.

There is a matinee of Diana Grisanti’s Lawbreakers: A Fast and Furious History of Women's Suffrage from Stage One Family Theatre.

Le Pouvoir de L'Amour: Nicolas Fortin Memorial Concert from Bourbon Baroque is at Tim Faulkner Gallery.


Once On This Island is at Actors Theatre of Louisville. Click HERE to listen to an interview with Robert Fleming on LVA’s Artebella On The Radio, director of this production and Executive Artistic Director of ATL.

26th Annual African American Art Exhibition is at Actors Theatre of Louisville.

QuArtz - A Queer Arts Exhibit is at LAUNCH Louisville.

Illumination: Nature's Light in Watercolor. New Works by Cathy Hillegas at Mary Anderson Center.

LAUNCH 2020Setting the Stage for the New Year can be found at Moremen Gallery.

L Autumn Gnadinger at Quappi Projects.

Shawna Khalily Wood Cuts is at the NEW Bourne Schweitzer Gallery in New Albany.

Brenda Wirth and Mary Newton are at Kleinhelter Gallery.

2020: The Vision of Hindsight by Rebecca Aldammad at Mellwood Art Center.

Our World Our Say is at U of L’s Schneider Hall.

A Julius Friedman Sampler – Art, Design, and Innovation Over Fifty Years is at the Filson Society. (2/28)

Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition at IU Southeast.

Often Seen Rarely Spoken Presents…Marks on Society is at The Carnegie Center in New Albany.

The Winter Show is at Craft(s) Gallery.

Louisville Photographic Society Group Show is at Unique Imaging Concepts.

Daydreams opens at Studioworks.

Think we are missing something? Let us know:

Link Round Up

Thursday Link Roundup: January 9, 2020

Rebecca Aldammad at Mellwood Art Center

Rebecca Aldammad at Mellwood Art Center


2020: The Vision of Hindsight by Rebecca Aldammad opens at Mellwood Art Center.


Resurgence: A Night of Black Art opens at Tim Faulkner Gallery.

Hite Institute’s opening reception for Our World Our Say is at U of L’s Schneider Hall.

Orchestra Enigmatic : New Music is at 21c Museum tonight and Sunday.

CHOIR BOY by Tarell Alvin McCraney opens from Pandora Productions. Click HERE to listen to an interview with the director and lead cast members of this production on LVA’s Artebella On the Radio.

Louisville Literary Arts InKY Reading Series is at The Bard’s Town.

A staged reading of Peety by Haydee Canovas will be in the Bingham Humanities Building at U of L.


Inspired Louisville: Actors Gallery by Bill Brymer is at KORE Gallery. Click here to listen to an interview with Bill on LVA’s Artebella On The Radio.

A Julius Friedman Sampler – Art, Design, and Innovation Over Fifty Years is at the Filson Society.

Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition at IU Southeast.

Often Seen Rarely Spoken Presents…Marks on Society is at The Carnegie Center in New Albany.

The Winter Show is at Craft(s) Gallery.

Composing Form is at The Tim Faulkner Gallery.

Louisville Photographic Society Group Show is at Unique Imaging Concepts.

Off The Wall is a members show at PYRO Gallery.

Daydreams opens at Studioworks.

BFA Fall 2019 Thesis Exhibition is at U of L’s Schneider Hall.

 BRAD DEVLIN “CITYSCAPES” is at Galerie Hertz.

Megan Bickel "We Are Inside the Fire" is at Quappi Projects.

Small Works Show at Kleinhelter Gallery in New Albany.

“INSCAPES” by Madison Cawein and Matt Gatton at Moremen Gallery.

Think we are missing something? Let us know:

Link Round Up

Friday Link Roundup: Friday, August 16, 2019

Katy Delahanty at Louisville Grows

Katy Delahanty at Louisville Grows


Louisville Grows Art Opening tonight - "Moonbeam Enterprises" - Work by Katy Delahanty

Elements Group Show opens at Kentucky Fine Art Gallery

After Hours at the Speed partners with Louisville Story Program, University of Louisville Cultural Center and Hispanic Latinx Initiatives, University of Louisville Welcome Week.

Jay Myself Directed by Stephen Wilkes opens at Speed Cinema during that event as well.

Chuck Swanson is showing his own work for the first time at Swanson Contemporary!



Innocent Exiles: Paintings by Joshua Bleecker and Chris Goshawk at Surface Noise.

Michael King's "Solo" Exhibit at Mellwood Art & Entertainment Center.

ART SHOW: Journey to the Heart is at Lettersong Gallery.

The Weeping Goth is at Kore Gallery.

Robert Pulley & Billy Hertz are showing at Galerie Hertz.

Mind Rivers: Works by Hawk Alfredson continues at Craft(s). Listen to a radio interview on LVA’s Artebella On The Radio with Hawk and Mia Hanson.

Heat - Letitia Quesenberry - is up at the new Quappi Projects space.

ZECK featuring Suzi Zimmerer, Juli Edberg, Nancy Currier, & Keith Kleespies at PYRO Gallery. Listen to a radio interview on LVA’s Artebella On The Radio with the four artists.

Dunno it's painterly: is at garner narrative.

Contemporary Portraits of the Ohio River Artist is up at B. Deemer Gallery.

Ebony G. Patterson…while the dew is still on the roses… continues at The Speed Museum. This is a must see.

Breaking the Mold: Sculptor Enid Yandell’s Early Life, 1869-1900 is at The Filson.

Form, Not Function: Quilt Art at the Carnegie continues through August.

The Spring Invitational. is at Kleinhelter Galley in New Albany.