

Event Feature: Open Studio Weekend

Open Studio Weekend 2016 might have been the most successful year yet! We had such a great time visiting artists in their studios and we hear you did too— thanks to everyone who came out and showed your support for these amazing artists. Over 227 visitors went to the 67 participating studios— totaling over 4,000 studio visits in all! 

Check out the #osw2016 tag on Instagram to see more images from the day!

Member Monday

Member Monday: Open Studio Weekend Artist Jenny Zeller

How did you first get involved with LVA? 

Joining LVA was one of the first things I did upon my return to Louisville in 2011. I first showed my work in Louisville that winter at LVA, for the Month of Makers exhibition in conjunction with Makers Mark.

When did you first know that art was going to be a big part of your life?

I was a bit of a late bloomer when it came to art.   I didn’t connect with a particular medium until my last semester at University of Kentucky when I took my first photography class.  It was my first job out of college at the Haitian Art Company in Key West that solidified my life with art!

What does LVA add to your life?

LVA has been a huge source of support to me for many years.  They have promoted and exhibited my work, and provided teaching opportunities to me.  LVA continually educates and inspires me with the introduction of new artists, concepts, and ideas.  I love my weekly sessions with Artebella and PUBLIC radio! 

How else are you involved in the community? 

Currently I’m working with the Louisville Photo Biennial, teaching photography classes at underserved community centers throughout the Louisville Metro area.  I am also a fixture in the local yoga community.

Describe your perfect Sunday afternoon.

My perfect afternoon contains little yoga, a lot of cooking with my NPR Sunday shows in the background, some quality time outdoors as well as with my stack of library books. The day would end watching a film that I think about the next day!

Who is your favorite local artist?

I love the work of collage and assemblage artist Caroline Waite.

Where would you like to see Louisville 10 years from now?

I would like to see Louisville competing on a national level for creative, artistic, and entrepreneurial opportunities. 

What neighborhood do you live in? What are some of your favorite things about it?

I live in Irish Hill.  It’s a quick bike ride to most places I want to be in the city.  While the area is in a constant state of transition, many of my neighbors have lived in Irish Hill for 30/40 + years!

What three items would you bring to a desert island? 

A rain barrel, lacinato kale seeds and my citrus press.

What advice would you give your past self if you could? 

Trust your intuition.

Member Monday

Member Monday: Open Studio Weekend Artist Phillip High

How did you first get involved with LVA? 

I attended an Artebella pre-launch feedback meeting and signed up when it first came online.

When did you first know that art was going to be a big part of your life?

I have always enjoyed art related activities, but In the 4th grade, one of my classmate's mother was an artist and gave a guest drawing lesson to the class. The process felt very natural to me and I received a lot of positive feedback from the results.

What does LVA add to your life? 

Just knowing there is an organization dedicated to promoting local art and artists is very encouraging. Artebella, Open Studio Weekend, and the Artist Opportunities email newsletter have been specifically helpful to me. 

How else are you involved in the community?

Mainly through arts related activities: attending openings and events and actively networking with other artists.

Describe your perfect Sunday afternoon.

I am in my studio all day, six days a week and I like for Sundays to be intentional down-time, with as light an agenda as possible. Being outdoors and time with family are always good. A clear break from "accomplishing" anything helps me to be more motivated throughout the rest of the week.

Who is your favorite local artist?

This is difficult to answer. I have only been back in Louisville since 2012 and I feel like I am still discovering new artists all the time. I honestly cannot pick a favorite at this point. There are many to choose from. 

Where would you like to see Louisville 10 years from now?

I believe Louisville is headed in a great direction right now. Some things I am looking forward to are: The Waterfront Botanical Gardens, the revitalization of urban communities, greater national recognition for our commitment to creativity and healthy growth, and an increasingly diverse and inclusive cultural mix.

What neighborhood do you live in? What are some of your favorite things about it?

I live in Hikes Point, a well maintained and convenient location. I am pleased to see many young couples and families moving in on a regular basis. I also like the surprising amount of cultural, racial, and economic diversity happily coexisting there.

What three items would you bring to a desert island?

Water, an umbrella... and a prayer rug.

What advice would you give your past self if you could?

Focus, plan, act.

Member Monday

Member Monday: Open Studio Weekend Artist Rebecca Norton

How did you first get involved with LVA?

I signed up for LVA newsletters when I moved back to Louisville. 

When did you first know that art was going to be a big part of your life?

I was attending shows and exhibitions shortly after starting my undergraduate studies at U of L in 1999. Art was what I did - it permeated my social, academic and private life. There was no one moment when I knew it was going to be a big part of my life. It just was. 

What does LVA add to your life?

Keeps me informed about artists and events in my community.

How else are you involved in the community?

I spend my free time at First Build making things and sharing ideas with other makers. 

Describe your perfect Sunday afternoon. 

A banana split followed by a walk in Cherokee Park with my family. 

Who is your favorite local artist?

Nico Jorcino

Where would you like to see Louisville 10 years from now?

More pedestrians and sidewalk culture.

What neighborhood do you live in? What are some of your favorite things about it?

Crescent Hill. The Crescent Hill Reservoir and Gatehouse, Blue Dog Bakery, Craft House, and the sounds of trains in late evening and night. 

What three items would you bring to a desert island? 

A book on classical and modern geometry—written in at least three languages and laminated, a mason jar (for its many uses— cup to capture water condensation for drinking, instrument to make sounds with different objects or water filled inside…), and a knife.

What advice would you give your past self if you could?

You'll have several opportunities to stop and see the Grand Canyon while driving to and from Los Angeles. Take advantage and spend a night under it's stars - its something I never did but wish I had.